The Left and Atheists Are Watching…

The Left and Atheists Are Watching…

By Julio Severo
Right Wing Watch, a major American socialist group, has “exposed” me yesterday, again, to its U.S. leftist audience for politically incorrect views. 
Right Wing Watch “said”:
Matt Barber’s BarbWire website posted a story on Monday by frequent contributor Julio Severo, who was alarmed by a “bisexual community briefing” at the White House last month and, in particular, the speech of a self-described bisexual Sioux man who began his presentation by calling on “the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, to guide our words and thoughts so that we can speak true and strong.”
In a column titled “Bisexual Indian Invokes Demons At White House,” Severo wrote that the man had invoked “homosexual spirits,” thereby infesting the White House with demons that can only be expelled by “people who know and use the authority of Jesus’ name.”
“A homosexual culture is a culture of demon possession,” he wrote. “Has the White House turned into a haunt of demons?”
The prominent atheistic website Patheos also criticized my Christian view on demons. They do not believe in any God and demon activity in this world. In an article titled “The White House Must Be Exorcised Of Bisexual Native American Demons, Says Christian Writer,” Patheos said, “Severo described the spirits/gay demons as being ‘invisible, lethal and destructive’ — which is fascinating given that, as far as anyone knows, no one has ever actually been murdered by one…”
The Patheos article generated 110 comments from raging atheists against Severo.
In another post yesterday, Right Wing Watch said: “Julio Severo warnsthat if ‘Hillary is elected, everyone in the United States and around the world will pay a high cost for her aggressive abortion and sodomy agenda.’”
Right Wing Watch exposed, at the same time, Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Jr., Jane Chastain, Erik Rush, Bryan Fischer, Paula White, Michele Bachmann, Samuel Rodriguez, James Dobson and Mat Staver just for expressing conservative views hated by the U.S. left.
This is not the first time Right Wing Watch exposed me. They also “exposed” in September 28, 2015:
Finally, Julio Severo is not happy with the nomination of Eric Fanning to serve as Secretary of the Army: “I am sure that in Obama’s and Fanning’s case, the Father of America would approve sentence on them and he would treat, with abhorrence and detestation, their sodomy and sodomy advocacy as an infamous crime. In the least, Obama would be expelled from the U.S. presidency and Fanning would be expelled from Army, both with dishonor, never to return. Both have committed treason against the Father of America.”
They also “exposed” me in June 30, 2015:
Julio Severo warns that “homosexuality brought destruction to Sodom, and it will bring destruction to any city or superpower embracing it. A remnant of Christians faithful to God should warn about the danger of sodomy and support efforts to protect children and their families from it.”
In June 18, 2015, Right Wing Watch again “exposed” me by saying:
Finally, Julio Severo wants to see Scott Lively appointed “as a U.S. Special Envoy for the Human Rights of Children and their Protection against the LGBT Agenda.”
Again, Right Wing Watch read my politically incorrect view on Barbwire.
What does Right Wing Watch, which is owned by People for the American Way, want?
According to WND, People for the American Way (PFAW) is “an atheist socialist organization which, through publications like its ‘Right Wing Watch,’ dedicates itself to the destruction of conservatives in general.”
According to its website, Right Wing Watch has a special mission to attack conservatives opposed to the gay agenda, abortion and Muslim ideology.
Right Wing Watch has “exposed” my view other times too, and I answered here: “People for the American Way’s Leftist Diatribe Against a Brazilian Conservative.”
What do they intend to do?
In 2011, WND had reportedon surveillance by the Homeland Security Department against my blog. What did they intend to do?
In the same year, WND reportedin a headline on PayPal cutting my account after a campaign by a U.S. homosexual organization.
Why is Goliath (Right Wing Watch, Homeland Security Department, etc.) monitoring and worried about a small David?
Portuguese version of this article: A Esqueda e os ateus vigiando…
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