Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Its Gender Ideology Professor

Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Its Gender Ideology Professor

By Julio Severo
Brazilian news website UOL, in its section of child issues, addressed the gender ideology in the report titled “Nome neutro não basta para uma criação sem estereótipo de gênero, mas ajuda” (A Neuter Name Is Not Enough for an Upbringing Without Gender Stereotype, But It is Helpful).
The title opens no room for doubt that, for the homosexual militancy, to develop names’ neutrality for children is a first, insufficient step, by acknowledging a need for a broader fight. The article was also published by the Patrícia Galvão Institute, a Brazilian institution notorious for its pro-abortion advocacy.
The first paragraph in the text is excessively sentimental and clearly seeks to seduce readers, by saying: “Mica is a two-year old child and only the caregivers, as the biological parents prefer to be addressed, and the child know his sex. One day, Mica wears a pink flounced dress and, in the other day, he wears a blue Bermuda shorts. Except for the appearance, even his name does not betray his birth gender, because [the caregivers] chose a name sounding neuter.”
The child, who suffered the imposition of a neuter name, was called Mica, by parents who prefer equally the neuter names “caregivers,” instead of parents.
By the imposition of confused parents, the child is adapted and indoctrinated to greater sexual confusions, including regarding sex roles.
UOL also presents another couple who was ideologically indoctrinated into imposing sexual neutrality on their small son. The mother says, “Every day, when he goes to school, I need to talk to him again on how boy’s and girl’s toys do not exist. There are only children’s toys.”
Perhaps the worst part in the report was the official seal from a professor in the most important Calvinist university in Brazil.
According to UOL, Marcelo Moreira Neumann, a professor of psychology at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, in São Paulo, Brazil, and one of the authors of the study “Homophobic Bullying and School Performance,” said that neutrality in the registry would effectively facilitate the lives of people not identifying themselves with their birth gender.
“The individual would not have to go through a juridical process if he is a transgender and he would not face shameful situations regarding his name,” said the specialist.
A neutrality in the registry would effectively facilitate the homosexual activism’ objectives.
Neumann’s sheer presence as professor at a Protestant university is a sign of victory for homosexual militants and defeat for evangelicals, who should evangelize, not hire, propagandists of the gender ideology.
When Neumann chose the designation in the UOL report of “Mackenzie professor,” he fatally compromised the institution, which, because it is openly confessional (Mackenzie PRESBYTERIAN University), chose to hire a professor who is a gender agenda militant. The case is not that he deserves to be fired from Mackenzie. He never deserved to be hired.
The hired individual is not to blame. The contractor, which has poorly chosen its job applicants, is to blame.
Actually, Mackenzie has a big name in Brazil, and this name has been flaunted by pro-abortion, Marxist and homosexualist professors advocating their ideological evils.
What is fascinating is that Mackenzie, with all its Calvinist confession, and Calvinist leaders who have decision power to stop all this mess, are very fast and sharp to attack the conservative growth produced by neo-Pentecostals in Brazil, as reported recently by the Islamic news website Al Jazeera, where a Mackenzie professor criticized the neo-Pentecostal growth leading the Brazilian politics to the Right. But they have not the same power against real threats in their own institution.
What expect from a Calvinist institution that puts to shame the Christian witness with professors who attack conservatism, praise the gender ideology, abortion and Marxism?
Portuguese version of this article: O Mackenzie e seu professor de ideologia de gênero
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